Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review

“A Kojima Swan Song”

          I initially played the Phantom Pain when it was first released. I finished the game by early October. I delayed this review for several reasons; one being that I wanted to see the whole story of the Kojima-Konami Feud, and the other being there is so much to talk about.

          The Phantom Pain is such a gorgeous game that never ceased to amaze me. The graphics were jaw-dropping, beautiful and the very rare dips in framerate were astounding. The characters were very detailed and very interesting. From characters such as Kaz to Skull Face I enjoyed each individual character. A lot of the credit goes the top-notch voice acting - even the cheesiest line was delivered in a believable manner that was enjoyable. Even the most minor characters in the game had great voice acting. The amount of detail and high quality work put into the game really shined when I was enjoying my two-hundred plus hour experience of the game.

          The game-play was addicting. I had to Fulton everything in the game because it had become an addiction that enhanced my already over compulsive completionist within myself. It had become a game within itself, Fultoning almost everything within the game. Of course, I stayed stealthy when I did so. The side missions were somewhat repetitive, but it never broke the fun for me. Constantly sneaking into enemy territory, capturing the outpost and completing the task was a huge satisfaction each time I did it. The game-play for this game is by far the strongest in the series.

          The story is by far the weakest in the series. I honestly think it suffered from too many side missions and the unequal amount of main missions became a very one sided factor that eventually hurt the story. While the game-play is tremendously fun, Metal Gear is known for its story. While I greatly enjoyed the main story, I have to admit that it was very weak for a Metal Gear game.

Kojima’s last game for Konami is a testament to him as a developer. I have always enjoyed his games, but this easily became my second favorite in the franchise with Snake Eater still being on spot number one.

Overall score: 9/10

Gameplay: 10        Graphics: 10          Story: 7        Sound & Music: 9     

Replay-value: 9


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