World of Warcraft Legion: Whispers of Il'gynoth

“Madness Will Consume You!” I’ve been playing World of Warcraft’s new expansion Legion since its Launch, not nonstop of course. Blizzard unlocked the Emerald Nightmare raid for us, the players this week. So I fought Il'gynoth earlier this week, and his whispers were very fascinating to speculate about. And I wanted to express my thoughts about it. I talked to a friend of mine about possible lore ideas for this character and the things he talked about. Most of them were similar to what was in the video that Nobbel discussed. We concluded that the 5th old could possibly be Azeroth. In C'thulu mythos there is a being called Azathoth. Sounds like Azeroth right? One of Il'gnyoth's whispers is, "Her heart is crater and we have filled it." Some speculate this to be Jaina since Theramore went kaboom. However, what if the crater is the hole where the old gods reside and they now fill Azeroth, are now the planet? Many of the whisper elude to tha...