World of Warcraft Legion: Whispers of Il'gynoth

“Madness Will Consume You!”

I’ve been playing World of Warcraft’s new expansion Legion since its Launch, not nonstop of course. Blizzard unlocked the Emerald Nightmare raid for us, the players this week. So I fought Il'gynoth earlier this week, and his whispers were very fascinating to speculate about. And I wanted to express my thoughts about it.

I talked to a friend of mine about possible lore ideas for this character and the things he talked about. Most of them were similar to what was in the video that Nobbel discussed.

We concluded that the 5th old could possibly be Azeroth. In C'thulu mythos there is a being called Azathoth. Sounds like Azeroth right?

One of Il'gnyoth's whispers is, "Her heart is crater and we have filled it." Some speculate this to be Jaina since Theramore went kaboom. However, what if the crater is the hole where the old gods reside and they now fill Azeroth, are now the planet?

Many of the whisper elude to that the Old Gods will reappear, possibly this expansion.

"The King of Diamonds has been made a pawn," and Azeroth told him what was needed to be done. 

"Five keys, five torches to light our path." Five keys, the pillars of creation, the five keys. Which was said that they have to power to create and destroy.  This ties in with destruction.

"The Lord of Ravens will turn the key." I thought this was a reference to Malfurion at first, and then I came with the idea that it would make sense if Khadgar did it. Khadgar can turn into a raven. In Heroe's of the Storm, Medivh's mount form is called raven. Khadgar is also the lord of Karazhan, the home of many ravens. Like most expansiosn, we have a focus character who we, the players experience the story with, as we progress it. Examples: Tirion Fordring (Wrath of the Lich King), Khadgar (Warlords of Draenor), Yrel, Thrall (Cataclysm). It makes sense if he opens the way, if we follow what previous expansions told us.

My final point, not being a quote, is that N'zoth, the creator of the Emerald Nightmare, the Old God who supposedly orchestrated the Madness of Deathwing and the Hour of Twilight, the one who possibly controls Azshara, is the only Old God we have yet to see. Having the Naga return this expansion, even seeing Azshara, Xavius, and the Nightmare, makes me hope, we will finally get too see this monstrosity. It makes perfect sense if they do go through this route, however, I would prefer a South Seas expansion which revolves around the Troll Empire, Kul'Tiras, the goblin islands, etc. Hopefully, this is the case, for I would love to see Blizzard not show all their big gun story ideas in one expansion.

Only time will tell, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Azeroth.


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