The To Be an Editor Game Review

The Be an Editor Game is a simulation game on The game is to help give you the feel of what it is like to be a managing editor for a newspaper. The game is an interactive video. that is pre-recorded with actors who are acting as section editors. Yours job in this simulator is to listen to the pitch of each section editor and choose two of the best stories from the four sections to put into your news budget for the next newspaper. 

The game itself is rather easy. The game tells you what your audience is and what they want. So as an editor in this simulator you want to choose the big head turner stories. On my first try I got the two best story choices when I published the article. It was a no brainer that the top story choices in the simulator would be the Fire at the Cheese Factory and  the Johnson Dam Water Rising.

The game while easy does a good job of conveying how the workplace of a newspaper office would be like. While the acting of the section editors was hokey it felt like an actual interaction with a human being. I think the game could have been a little more challenging but overall it was a decent simulation of the news industry. 


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