Warcraft Movie Review

            So I got to see the Warcraft movie today, I really enjoyed it. However, I’m a fan of the games and know the lore. I brought two friends with me, one who somewhat knows the lore, and one who was only interest because Travis Fimmel was in it.

            So first things first, the combat choreography and camera shots were very well done. I’ve seen movies where the camera angles are so shaky in the fight it makes the scene unenjoyable. Second off, the music was very good, in some parts of the movie there were nods of similar themes from areas in the MMO-RPG, which I was the only one who noticed it in the theater, at least among my friends.

            The special effects were well-done. I was worried if it was going to be a CGI overdose because of the trailers, but it looks good and not garnish and outlandish that it feels out of place, it feels like I was actually seeing Azeroth. The armor and set pieces were absolutely incredible to see, at the very end there’s some very cool effects I won’t spoil.

            The plot was pretty good, especially with the material they could get. Warcraft 1 did have stories, but they weren’t as fleshed out as they would eventually be, and I think Duncan Jones, the director of the movie did a fantastic job. I found myself enjoying the plot, despite knowing most of it, because I like the lore of the series, but it was nice to see in a film format. Now, the story isn’t beat for beat as the game which is to be expected from a game to movie adaptation, however, it felt very much like the world of Azeroth and tied in with the game’s lore very well, and I have to give props to Duncan Jones on how they transitioned gaming plots and some in game mechanics into the big screen in a way I enjoyed it.

I feel however, they could have focused better on Gul’dan as a villain; as in build him up a bit, maybe dip into his background with Ner’zhul, but that’s okay. The beginning is amazing, it had me on the edge of my seat the minute after the logos were gone. Seeing the orc world, the dark portal and some Draenei was a great feast for the eyes. Just amazing to see.

I have to take my enjoyment in perspective; how much did I enjoy the movie because I understood the background of the lore and universe? I talked to my friends after the movie, my friend who is semi in the lore enjoyed it and even told me he felt like it broke the video game movie curse. My friend who wanted to see Travis Fimmel, greatly enjoyed it, but had gripes with how Garona was presented, which I had to explain the lore of that character from the games to my friend, which helped them wash it out and just enjoy the movie for what it was, a game to movie adaptation.

Now I greatly enjoyed it. Is it the best movie ever? No, I didn’t go in thinking it was going to be a masterpiece, I went in knowing it’s a movie based on a game and that it may be good or bad. I know I was going to Captain America: Civil War, and I definitely knew I wasn’t going to see Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. With what the movie is, it’s pretty, probably the first video game movie I’ve seen that made me want grab it on Blu-ray when it comes out.


Set pieces and characters: 9

Visuals: 9      

Plot: 8 Music: 8        

Pacing: 8       

Acting: 8

Final Score: 7.5/10


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